
  • 15, Persiaran Bulan, Taman Kinta
  • Ipoh, Perak, 31400
  • মাল্যাশিয়া
  • টেলিফোন:60-5-5477486
  • ফ্যাক্স:60-5-5458072
  • ইউআরএল:

মুখ্য পৃষ্ঠা


Trident English Language Services is a centre wholly devoted to the study of English. Trident offers various programmes suitable for different age groups.

Grammar, Vocabulary, Composition (sentence structure) , Spelling, Punctuation, Phonetics, Communication, etc are some of the programmes that we offer. Our forte includes customising English programmes for corporate clients who would like to see their staff improve in the language. For this reason, we have developed 5 core programmes which will help the prospective learner. They are: -

1. Open University Malaysia (OUM) English for Beginners programme. (40 HOURS)

2. Basic English Training (BET) . (2 DAYS)

3. English Language Training (ELT) . (105 HOURS)

4. English in the Business Environment (EBE) . (2 DAYS)

5. English Phonetics. (1 DAY)

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